Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Really, you cannot heal stupid!!

Holy and Shadow

I have leveled my priest from 1-80. From 1-50 I leveled her holy. Once I established this was a little more time consuming and not to mention I was almost always oom, I decided to get duel spec and go shadow. I absolutely love it! Do not get me wrong I will always love healing no matter what. It is funny because my main 'was' a level 80 hunter. When I made my priest, I decided healing was the way for me. Shadow was just an easier way to level and when I do bg's, I can go in as shadow and 'maybe' not die as often.

Alliance and Horde

My priest started out alliance. I decided I wanted to give the horde side a try so I moved her. My Mother played with me over there as well. She leveled her DK to 80. She really enjoyed her, until they changed the blood tree to more of a just tanking thing. She's not ready to tank yet, however, I believe she may end up giving it a try in the end. I believe I will as well errr eventually.. :) Anyways, I leveled my priest from 60-80 on the horde side. I loved it! It is so different. I am not saying either side is better than the other, just different if you are used to one play style. After awhile as always the ally side sucked me and my Mother right back in.

Healing as a Holy Priest

So I have leveled my priest (PriestLeigh) holy until I went shadow. Holy in my opinion is a very interesting tree. In the latest patch it changed as we all know. While Priestleigh is still a holy priest, I started leveling another Priestleigh on a different realm. I pvp with her quite often and run random dungeons with my Mother. Which my Mother absolutely hates. :) She loves pvp though, so we kind of meet in the middle I guess you could say. She is getting better, while I think she will never completely love to do them, she's getting better about doing some. Anyways, I have leveled a new Priestleigh to 50 at the moment. I leveled her Shadow/Holy as well until the latest patch. I decided I wanted to try Discipline. Once I did, I established I absolutely love it. While I still love Holy, I established for healing in the bg's, I have a better chance at living a little longer if I am Discipline.

Discipline Priest in Battlegrounds and Dungeons

The name for my blog is pretty simple. "Every time" I heal a dungeon someone not so intelligent ends up in there. For instance the other day we were in Sunken Temple, I was healing as Discipline. I of course was doing my priestly duties and was following the tank where ever he went. ;) My Mother of course was following behind us on her Warlock. The three of us ran one way, while the other two dps ran the opposite. When they died, they had enough nerve to ask me and I quote "wth healer?"... Really? At first I just lol'd, then I remembered I am very opinionated. I said wth dps? I am with the tank? First of all, dps should not pull before the tank. Secondly, if you see the healer and the tank going one way, I suggest you go the same or you will probably die. Third, this is not the end of this story just the part about me healing. This was not one of our best runs. While we have seen our share of bad groups, some of them take the cake.

What is the point in making dungeons annoying? Why do people always blame you, even though it is not your fault? This is one healer that does not really care. If it is my fault, I will be the first to tell you. However, if it is your fault, don't blame someone else! It's not cute, it makes you a friend to that list, oh what is it called? Oh yeah, the ignore list!! If you make a mistake simply say so, more than likely "most" groups will not mind, however, if you are dps and believe you can tank, your group will more than likely fail. Not to mention the tank will probably leave and then the healer, then you get to wait once again in queue for another group. How fun is that? :)


  1. Haha, I love the name of your blog! Playing horde and alliance gives you more options in an already vast game. You are a great healer and you do pretty well healing through the stupid!

    Caybriella :)

  2. Well thank you! I do my best! Sometimes it is harder than others, but most of the time we do a pretty good job at pulling through. :)
